Who’s Who in the Odyssey

  1. Odysseus – protagonist.  He fought with other Greeks at Troy and is the mastermind behind the Trojan horse.  He angered Poseidon and has spent the past 19 years pining for his beloved Penelope and homeland – Ithaca.
  2. Telemachus –
  3. Penlope
  4. Athena
  5. Poseidon
  6. Zeus
  7. Aninous – The most arrogant of Penelope’s suitors.  He lead the campaign against Telemachus
  8. Eurymachus – A manipulative and deceitful suitor to Penelope.
  9. Amphinomus – Among the dozens of suiotrs, the only decent man seeking Penelope’s hand in marriage.  He sometimes speaks up for Odyssue and Telemachus.
  10. Eumaeus – the loyal shepherd who, along with Philoetius, helps Odysseus.
  11. Eurycleia – The aged and loyal servant who nursed Odysseus and Telemachos when they were babies.  She is well informed of palace happenings, intrigues and gossip; often serving as a confidante to her masters.
  12. Melanthius – The brother of Lelantho.  He is a treacherous and opportunistic
  13. Melantho –
  14. Calypso –
  15. Polyphemus –
  16. Circe –
  17. Laertes – Odysseus’s aging father.  He lives on a farm in Ithaca and is in despair and physical decline due to his son’s long absence.
  18. Tiresias –
  19. Nestor –
  20. Menelaus –
  21. Helen –
  22. Agememnon –
  23. Nausicaa –
  24. Alcinous –
  25. Arete –