Book XV: How Telemachus Sailed Back to Ithaca
Athena finds Telemachus at the mansion of Menelaos and instructs him to return home. Odysseus learns from Eumaeus about his (Odysseus’) parents and how Eumeaus was bought by Laertes when he was a child. Telemachus lands safely back on Ithaca and, by Athena’s instructions, goes straight to Eumaeus.
- How has Eumaeus proven his faithfulness in this and previously?
- Who do you think will be the first to recognize Odysseus through the beggar disguise?
stev-o said,
December 2, 2011 @ 8:51 pm
1.Eumaeus allowed the stranger ( odysseus) in his hut,he fed and gave him shelter and he spoke very highly of Odysseus. He is very loyal.
2.I think the first one to realize the beggar is Odysseus is Telemachus.
elesey said,
December 2, 2011 @ 8:52 pm
1)Eumaeus proved his loyalty by speaking highly of Odysseus and taking the beggar Odysseus in. Also when Odysseus had no cloak, Eumaeus gave Odysseus his only cloak and ent outside to watch over the sheep without one.
2) I think the first person to recognize Odysseus will be Penelope because she has knowns him better than anyone else. She has also been waiting for him for 20 years and would probably recognize him in a huge crowd.
faliley said,
December 2, 2011 @ 8:53 pm
1. Eumaeus proven his faithfulness saying good things about Odysseus and he passes all the tests that Odysseus made for him, with out him realizing.
2. Penelope is going to recognize Odysseus when she sees him.
katya[: said,
December 2, 2011 @ 8:54 pm
1. Eumaeus proved himself to Odysseus by giving Odysseus his spare cloak that is his finest and goes and sleeps outside in the rain and looks after the pigs. That shows that he is very loyal. He also tells him his story and he comes from a good family.
2. I think Penelope because she is still in love with Odysseus when 20 years have already passed and has so much good suitors just waiting for her. I think she`ll recognize the good will that Odysseus has in the beggar.
Vara(: said,
December 2, 2011 @ 8:54 pm
1. The way Eumaes has proven his loyalty to Odysseus is he passed all the tests Odysseus has gave him, and Eumaes isn’t really a slave but he still is serving Odysseus.
2. I think Penelope will recognize Odysseus as soon as he come into his home, because she is his wife and has been for a while and also because she is very faithful to him. (hasen’t bed a man in over 17 years, because of her love to Odysseus)
mia(: said,
December 2, 2011 @ 8:54 pm
1)He stays outside with the swine’s, he passes the tests, and he says nice things about Odysseus.
2)I think Penelope is going to recognize him because, Odysseus is the love of her life and she probably didn’t forget how he even looks like. <3
Max said,
December 2, 2011 @ 8:55 pm
1.) Eumaes tells Odysseus whatever he asks him…also Eumaes came from a rich family and is a loyal dude.
2.) I think that when Athena undisguises Odysseus Eumaes will be the first to know because so far he is most trusted, Then Telemachus be next.
fetina said,
December 2, 2011 @ 8:55 pm
1) Eumaues proven his faithfulness by passing all of Odyssues’s tests and by saying nice things about Odyssues.
2) I think his wife, Penelope, will recognize him first when she sees him thinking he will be one of the suitors.
Arsen said,
December 2, 2011 @ 8:55 pm
1. Eumaeus proven his faithfulness by not sleeping and staying looking after the swine, talks highly of Odysseus and gave his cloak to him. He is also not a slave but from a royal line but he still treats Odysseus as his master.
2. The first to recognized Odysseus in the begger disguise will be Penelope because she is his wife and she knows him the most and also among other things like being faithful to him.
katya[: said,
December 2, 2011 @ 8:56 pm
Oh right, I forgot to add that Eumaeus passed his tests. Good job Vara:)
vars said,
December 2, 2011 @ 8:56 pm
1) He always spoke highly of odysseus and took care of him when he let the stranger in the hut.He is very loyal.
2) I think the first person that wil recognize oddysseus through the beggar disguise is his wife because she knows him.
Firce said,
December 2, 2011 @ 8:56 pm
1.Odysseus sleeps by the fire under the swineherd’s spare cloak, while Eumaeus himself sleeps outside in the rain with his herd.
2.His wife Penelope will be the first to recognize him because she has known him the longest.
Vara(: said,
December 2, 2011 @ 8:56 pm
Good job class
Markyyy said,
December 2, 2011 @ 8:57 pm
1)Emaeus proven his loyalty in many ways like speaking highly of Odesseues and taking in the beggar(Odesseus) and giving him cloak.
2) I think the first person to recognize him will be Eumaeus because he has known him for a long time and he is loyal to him all the time so he probably will recognize him first.
Firce said,
December 2, 2011 @ 8:57 pm
Good job everyone now lets GO HOME
Kosta said,
December 2, 2011 @ 8:57 pm
1. He proves his faithfulness to Odysseus by telling odysseus all about his passed life and if Odysseus was home Eumaeus would be rick and have a hot wife because he gave 1 pig for the suitors everyday. And when the dicuised Odysseus had no cloak he gave him a cloak.
2. Ithink that one of the suitors will recognise the beggar disguise when he will shoot the arrow and it will be a perfect shot and then the suitors will try to go and kill him. mohahahahahahahaha ha evil lauph.
Vara(: said,
December 2, 2011 @ 8:57 pm
KATYA- Thank you!
katya[: said,
December 2, 2011 @ 8:57 pm
Good job Fetina [:
Arsen said,
December 2, 2011 @ 8:57 pm
I forgot to write that he will be one of the suitors.
Max said,
December 2, 2011 @ 8:58 pm
What Varya said!:)
julian said,
December 2, 2011 @ 8:58 pm
1. Eumaeus proved his faithfulness to Odysseus by doing the tasks that Odysseus asked him to do.
2. Penelope will be the first one to recognize him because she knew him the longest .
mike said,
December 2, 2011 @ 8:59 pm
1. He proven his faithfulness by telling a story of Odysseus’ parents bought Eumeaus from Laertes when he was a child.
2. I think the first person to see him in his disguise would be Penelope.
Alex said,
December 2, 2011 @ 9:00 pm
1) Eumeaus lets Odysseus stay in his hut but Eumeaus dosent know that it is Odysseus and the Odysseus finds out how loyal Eumeaus is and gives him shelter and food and water.
2) I think Penelope will recognize Odysseus because she was his wife and knows Odysseus .
Yakov Kuzmin said,
December 5, 2011 @ 8:55 pm
1. Eumeas proves himself by speaking highly of Odysseus and taking him in, feeding him and gives him shelter.
2. I believe that Penelope will be the first to recognize Odysseus in the begar outfit.
danno said,
December 5, 2011 @ 9:01 pm
1. Eumaeus proves his loyalty by speaking very highly of him. Also he took Odysseus in and gave him his cloak.
2. I think Penelope will be the first to recognize Odysseus because their love has lasted for 20 years.