Book IV: What happned in Lacedaimon
Telemachos and Megapenthes arrive at and are welcomed into the home of Menelaos and Helen. Menelaos tells Telemachos of his travels with Odysseus and that Odysseus is trapped on an island by Calypso. Meanwhile, Antinoos has learned that Telemachos has embarked on his journey and plots with the other suitors to kill him upon his return to Ithaca. Penelopeia learns of Telemachos’ leaving and is upset.
- What clues cue Menelaos and Helen that Telemachos is Odysseus’ son?
- What is Menelaos’ opinion of Odysseus?
- Describe Antinoos’ plan to destroy Telemachos.
Mr. White Sr. said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:15 pm
OK, let’ see some answers so we can get a conversation going!
Stefan Reutov said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:24 pm
1. Queen Helen immediately recognizes Telemachus as the spitting image of Odysseus.
2. Menelaus thought that Odysseus was a daring and guile.
3. Antinous’s plan was to ambush Telemachus at sea upon his return.
Max said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:25 pm
1. Telemachuses feet, hands, graze, head, and hair recalled Odysseus
2. Menelaos loved Odysseus, who suffered pain to serve Menelaos cause. Menelaos favored him most.
3. The suitors want to ambush Telemachus at sea upon his return to Ithaca
elesey said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:29 pm
1) Helen noticed how daring and guile Telemachus was and immediately answered all his questions. She also remembered Odysseus when he disguised himself as a beggar and sneaked into Troy.
2) Menelaus has a lot of respect for Odysseus because he was kept all the men, including Menelaus himself, quiet as Helen imitated the wife of each soldiers in the wooden horse.
3) Antinous and the rest of Penelope’s suitors plan to ambush Telemachus when he returns from his quest of pursuing his father, Odysseus.
elesey said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:32 pm
max- Nice answer for number 1. I couldn’t find anything in the book so i just wrote whatever i read in the modern version.
Arseny said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:33 pm
1. When Telemachus arrived to Menelaus’ place Helen immediately recognizes Telemachus as a spitting image of Odysseus. Helen also said she never will forget his daring and guile.
2. Menelaus’ opinion of Telemachus is not bad but very good because Menelaus loves Odysseus and Telemachus is pretty much like his father.
3. Antinoos’ plan is to take a ship and go to sea and ambush Telemachus and kill him.
julain said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:34 pm
1. Queen Helen immediately recognizes Telemachus as the spitting image of Odysseus.
2. Menelaos liked Odysseus because they were friends aand they could relate to one another.
3.Antinous, they plotted to ambush him at sea upon his return.
faliley said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:35 pm
1. Helena recognizes Telemachose as Odysseus son beacuse he kinda looks like his father Odysseus.
2. Melelaos has a lot of respect for Odysseus and thought he was strong willed.
3. Antinoos plan is to ambush and kill telemachos as soon as he comes back.
danikt said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:35 pm
1. Telemachus feet, his hands, his gaze, his head, his hair resembles Odysseus.
2. Menelaus loved Odysseus; he favored him most for he had suffered a lot under his command.
3. The suitors want to ambush and destroy Telemachus in the harbor on his return.
Varvara said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:35 pm
1. The clues Menelaus found on Telemachos to prove that he was Odysseus’s son was “such was his feet, his hands, such was his gaze, his head, his hair.”
2. Menelaos’ opinion of Odysseus was that he was strong willed and bull headed at the same time.
3. Antinoos’ plan was to ambush Telemachos out in the sea before he gets home, then kill him.
Max said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:36 pm
Arseny- on question two it asks whats Menelaos’ opinion of ODYSSEUS, not telemachus:)
Varsanofy said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:37 pm
1)The clues that gives them that telemachos is odysseus’ son is she recognized his feet, his hands, such was his gaze, his head, and his hair was the same.
2)Menelaos opinion of oddysseus was strong willed and intractable.
3)Antinoos’ plan to destroy telemachos is go out to sea and ambush telemachos.
Alex said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:37 pm
1. They recognized him because he looked as the spitting image of Odysseus.
2. Menelaos really liked Odysseus and he daring and his guile he liked him the most.
3. The suitors want to ambush Telemachus in sea somehow and so that Telemachus could not return to Ithaca .
kosta r said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:38 pm
1.Menelaus and Helen found out that Telemachos is Odysseus’s son was because he is the spitting image of his father. His feet his hands his gaze and his hair almost all the characteristics.
2.2. He really loved Odysseus. He favored him the most of all.
3.When Telemachos comes back to Ithaca all the suitors want to kill him
elesey said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:39 pm
1) Helen noticed how daring and guile Telemachus was and immediately answered all his questions. She also remembered Odysseus when he disguised himself as a beggar and sneaked into Troy.
2) Menelaus has a lot of respect for Odysseus because he was kept all the men, including Menelaus himself, quiet as Helen imitated the wife of each soldiers in the wooden horse.
3) Antinous and the rest of Penelope’s suitors plan to ambush and kill Telemachus when he returns from his quest of pursuing his father, Odysseus.
danikt said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:39 pm
Varvara i didnt know that Menelaos thought that Odysseus
was strong-willed and bullheaded.
MARK #1 said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:39 pm
ya i agree with max, arseny just probably misunderstood the question
kosta r said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:40 pm
1.Menelaus and Helen found out that Telemachos is Odysseus’s son was because he is the spitting image of his father. His feet his hands his gaze and his hair almost all the characteristics.
2. He really loved Odysseus. He favored him the most of all.
3.When Telemachos comes back to Ithaca all the suitors want to kill him
elesey said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:40 pm
Max- Nice answer for #1. I couldn’t find anything in the book so i just wrote down whatever i could find in the modern version.
Arseny said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:40 pm
2. Menelaos opinion of Odysseus is really good he loves Odysseus and that Odysseus saved them from being caught when they were in the horse as Helen was calling out to them.
Arseny said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:41 pm
Thanks Max I got confused
firce said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:41 pm
1.The fair-haird Menelaus then replied:”Wife,i can see what you describe:you’re right. such were his feet, his hands,such was his gaze, his head,his hair.
2.Menelaos opinion of Odysseus was that he was strong willed and bull headed at the same time
3.Antinoos and some of the suitors plan to ambush Telemachus as he returns from his journey to visit Nestor and Menelaus
Yakov Kuzmin said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:41 pm
1. Telemachus sheds a tear for Oddysseus and Helen and Menelaos say Telemachus looks like Odysseus.
2. Menelaos respects and loves Odysseus.
3. Antinoos plan is to ambush Telemachus with a ship and crew and kill Telemachus.
MARK #1 said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:45 pm
1. Helen recognized Telemachos by such as his feet, his hands,such was his gaze, his head and his hair.
2. Meneloas opinion of Odysseus is that hes strong and he was good to his soliders,thas why he had a lot of respect for him.
3. Antinoos plan was to ambush and kill Telemachos after he comes back from his quest…
Evgeny said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:45 pm
1. The king and queen recognize Telemachus because his feet, hands, graze, head, and hair recalled Odysseus.
2. Menelaus loved and favored Odysseus who suffered to serve Menelaus.
3. The suitors and Antonius want to ambush Telemachus on his arrival home.
katya said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:46 pm
1. Queen Helen and Kind Menelaus recognized Telemachus looked as the spitting image of Odysseus.
2. Menelaus thought Odysseus had daring and guile and he thoght he was one of a kind man.
3. When Antinous fond out that Telemachus was gone, they planned on ambushing him at sea on his return home.
faliley said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:46 pm
Firce- on question 1. why did you copy the answer from the book you need to type it in your own words.
kosta r said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:46 pm
Really good answer Elesey for question #2 i coudn’t find anything for that one.
Evgeny said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:47 pm
kosta nice answer.
mike said,
October 19, 2011 @ 9:48 pm
1.Menelaus and Helen found out that Telemachus is Odysseus’s son by the spitting image of his father.All the characteristics of Telemachus were the same of Odysseus’s.
2.Menelaus’s opinion was that he was a great person, and favored him the most.
3.Antinous and the rest of Penelope’s suitors planed to kill Telemachus when he gets home from his quest.Pursuing his father, Odysseus.
mariamia said,
October 25, 2011 @ 8:59 pm
1) Telemachus’ feet, his hands, such as his gaze, his hair on his head.
2) Menelaus thought that Odysseus was darling and strongly admired him.
3) Antinous plans to ambush Telemachus upon his return from sea.
mariamia reutov said,
October 25, 2011 @ 9:00 pm
1) Telemachus’ feet, his hands, such as his gaze, his hair on his head.
2) Menelaus thought that Odysseus was darling and strongly admired him.
3) Antinous plans to ambush Telemachus upon his return from sea..
fetina said,
November 16, 2011 @ 8:43 pm
1) The king and queen recognized Telemachos as a spitting image of Odyssues.
2) Menelaus thought that Odyssues was dating and guile.
3) Antinoos and the other suitors plotted to ambush him at sea upon his return.