Book I


Athena appeals to Zeus for permission to help Odysseus reach home.  Odysseus’s home in Ithaca is overun with suitors who are tyring to win Penelope’s hand.  With teh help of Athena disguised as Mentes, Telemachos fins the courage to confront the suitors.

  1. Where is Odysseus?
  2. What or whom is Athena disguised as?
  3. Why do Telemachos and his mother need Odysseaus?
  4. Why does Odysseus’s wife have suitors?
  5. What does Athena advise Telemachos to do?

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Hello.  This is our Odyessey Blog.  This is the space where we will “talk” about the book.  Instead of paper and pencil question and answers, I will post questions here and you will respond.  Then, you will read what others have said and comment on their responses.  In essence, we will do a Socratic Seminar electronically and with teacher directed questions.  Sound good?  Any questions?

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