Odysseus tells of his visit to Aiolia, where Aiolos Hippotades, manager of the winds, helps Odysseus and his crew get home.  He puts wind in a bag that Odysseus carries on board his ship.  Unfortunately, his curious crew decides to open the bag, and the released winds drive them away from home.  The arrive at the land of the Laestrygonians, who eat most of Odysseus’s crew before his ship escapes.  Then they land on the island of Aiaia, the home of Circe.  She traps some more men and turns them into pigs.  Odysseus, with the help of Hermes, gets her to release his men and help him reach home.  She instructs him to visit Hades, where he will meet Tiresias, who will tell him how to get home.

  1. Who is the god of wind?  What favor does he do for Odysseus and his men?  Why?
  2. What is the mistake of some of the crew?  What happens?  How do even more men die after the “bag incident”?
  3. What does Circe do to some of Odysseus men?  How does he get her to release them?
  4. What final instructions does Circe give Odysseus?