The next day Alcinoos sends the boys of the town to construct a ship for Odysseus’ voyage and gathers the men for a day of entertainment.  Demodocos sings of famous men, including Odysseus.  When Alcinoos sees Odysseus crying during the minstrel’s story, he commences the games and dancing to keep his guest happy.  At dinner, Odysseus again weeps when Demodocos sings about the Trojan War.  At this point, Alcinoos finally demands to know the identity of his guest.

  1. Describe the activities that King Alcinoos arranges to entertain Odysseus.
  2. Who is Demodocos?
  3. How is King Alcinoos helpign Odysseus to get home?
  4. What is Odysseus’s reaction whenever Demodocos sings about the Trojan War?  Why do you think he does that?